This is a vibrant church! There’s always something going on at Lakeside Baptist Church, and plenty of ways for you to connect, share, and become integrated into our family.


Integrating into a new church can be difficult. At Lakeside, we want you to have the opportunity to meet our key leaders, join a Life Group, or find out how you can be a part of the team. We regularly have Newcomer’s lunches, which are an opportunity to meet our key leaders and others who are considering Lakeside as their home. Please if you would like to attend our next Newcomer’s lunch.

If you are joining our community for respite, or to find out more about Jesus, we wish to meet you where you are at. and one of our team would be happy to chat with you.


In a large congregation, we know it’s easy to feel disconnected and it can be difficult to get to know people on a Sunday morning. One way to overcome this is to join a Life Group, where you can develop meaningful relationships and explore faith together.

It is our heart that all who come to Lakeside are supported and encouraged to keep growing in Christ, and in fellowship with each other. Life Groups provide a safe place for people to feel connected, pray, worship, ask questions, and unpack the Bible.

Life Groups either meet in homes or onsite at Lakeside, on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Chat to one of the pastoral team on Sunday about joining a group near you, or fill in our Life Groups Form.


Service is an important part of our DNA at Lakeside. Sitting on the sidelines is only exciting for a short time and inevitably, leads to isolation. Service draws us into relationship with others and allows us to contribute meaningfully to a growing church. At Lakeside, we have many different opportunities to serve according to your gifts and passions. Contact us to talk to one of our key leaders about how your gifts can make a difference to our community, or fill in our form below.


Are you a follower of Christ, but have never been baptised? Baptism might be the next step in your walk with Him, as you publicly declare your faith in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour. We invite and encourage you to talk to our pastoral team about taking this step. If you would like to be baptised, or simply find out more about it, contact us or fill in our form below.


Why Membership?

What’s the point? Does it really matter? Why bother with it at all? These are common questions regarding membership. For many Christians, membership seems outdated and far too formal. Most of us would agree that we shouldn’t do “Christianity” alone, that we need community and fellowship, yet we struggle to see the importance of becoming a member. So, why not be able to just come and participate? Is there a need to “officially” join?

At Lakeside, we recognise the need, the value, and the importance of formal church membership.