Beyond the Gate is the cross-cultural missions and social justice arm of Lakeside Baptist Church. Our ministry operates in response to Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19), as well as the Bible’s teaching regarding the poor and marginalised, “let justice roll on like a river” (Amos 5:24).

Beyond the Gate’s strategic goal is to actively partner with people and agencies joined in God’s global mission and become increasingly involved in championing justice.

One way we do this is by giving to individuals and agencies involved in both mission and social justice.


Each May we celebrate and commit to financially supporting missionaries and ministries outside the gates of Lakeside. Click below to read about the missionaries and ministries that Lakeside supports.

Baptist Mission Australia

Baptist Mission Australia are the international cross-cultural agency of Australian Baptist Churches. They send people on mission trips centred around evangelism, church planting and nurture, Biblical training, and leadership development. They also recruit for the management and development of educational, medical, and social justice programs.

Baptist World Aid

Supporting and working alongside the poorest communities with the greatest need, Baptist World Aid hope to end poverty completely, and currently have 39 partners in 25 countries. They show love through child sponsorship, community development, disaster aid, and actively advocate for the marginalised.


Catalyst is an advocacy program facilitated by Baptist World Aid Australia. It’s a great way for churches to act on God’s call to stand up for the oppressed and “do justice”. If you have a heart for the marginalised and want to be an advocate for change to discover how you can be involved.

Prison Outreach

Lakeside has been involved in Prison Ministry for some years. We have been involved in the running of, and participation in, Kairos Courses (Introduction to the Christian Faith) at Acacia Prison. And over the last four years, we have also been involved in the running of Alpha courses at Acacia Prison, Wandoo Reintegration Centre, and Banksia Hill Youth Detention Centre.