Enriching and Celebrating the Lives of Older People

WHO? Anyone over 55 years of age. You do not need to attend Lakeside Baptist Church

WHEN? Every Tuesday morning during the school term at 10am (unless otherwise stated in the term schedule)

WHERE? At Lakeside Recreation Centre (unless the activity is an outing)

WHAT? A variety of activities including guest speakers, fun mornings. music mornings, outings and much more

WHY? To provide a caring, supportive group whose varied activities are aimed at providing opportunities for participants to make meaningful connections, have fun, be entertained, and informed over delicious morning tea




For more information, please contact us at church@lakeside.asn.au or 9310 7111.


Seniors at Lakeside Fitness Centre

Our Seniors classes are created with the health of Seniors in mind. They focus on building strength and skills that help with Balance, Living Independently for Longer, Bone Density, and Movement. Join a thriving, active community where you can keep fit, stay healthy, and socialise in a fun environment. Find out more below!